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The "FullTextSqlQuery" object's constructor requires an object that has context but don't be fooled. This context will no...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Issues with AltChunk

I managed to find the underlying problem to a rather annoying bug using AltChunk. I've generated thousands of reports using OpenXml but this one word document would always break xml markup of the document when inserting it using AltChunk.

After stripping the document to only contain the parts that broke it I managed to find out that the "DocumentSettingsPart" contained some elements called SmartTagType. I've never seen these before and not sure what they are used for but the moment I removed them from the document my AltChunk insertion started to work so I now remove them from all my documents before I insert using AltChunk.

I wonder if this is a known bug - will ask on the forum.

Here's some code:

// Get a list of smart tags in the document settings part and remove these
List<SmartTagType> smartTags = mainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart.Settings.Descendants<SmartTagType>();

// Loop backwards otherwise the elements orders change
for (int i = smartTags.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Maintain original image size when moving images in open xml

When inserting images into content control boxes using openxml, the image dimensions will not change to those of the image, you will need to manually do this.

Which objects?

There are two places where the image size needs to be set, inside the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Pictures.Picture object and the DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Wordprocessing.Inline object. Both of these objects contain an DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Drawing.Wordprocessing.Extent object which contains the Cx and Cy values for the image.

What size?

Now the next problem is knowing what the Cx and Cy values should be set to. Use the System.Drawing.Image object to get the Width and Height properties from your image. However, word image dimensions are not stored in pixels, they are stored in points.

Converting pixels to points can be very complicated when you're working with text but luckily with images there is a constant value we can use to calculate the points from a pixel value, which is 9525.

Code example please?