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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Trouble with OpenXML and MemoryStreams?

I've been struggling for a while with changing my project to use Memory Streams instead of physical files. There were a few things I was doing wrong which you probably wouldn't pick up if you started off using physical files but because I was now refactoring I was missing a few pointers.

A) MainDocumentPart.Document.Save()

When working with the physical file, there is no need to save but when working with a memory stream you need to call this method just before you close your word document.

B) MemoryStream.WriteTo(fileStream)

Because I was working from a document that already existed I would open the document and not see any changes. This was because I was not saving the document back to the file. Very rookie, I know, but it happened and maybe this helps someone out there. More importantly see next point:

C) When to save your memory stream back to the file!!!!

I was writing my memory stream back to the file while the file was still open. This did not throw any exceptions and it still does not make sense to me why this is a problem but it is! Make sure that you always save the memory stream to a file after you have closed the word document but when your memory stream is still open. This caused me hours of pain :( If anybody knows why this happens please let me know.

Here is an example of what your code should look like


  1. I really need to comment on this and tell you thank you!
    Your last point has really helped after many days of head banging on some excel sheet I'm working with...
    Thank you!!!
